Cosmetic Treatment is a branch of medicine that exclusively deals with the diagnosis and treatment of skin, nails and hair disorders and cellulite. It is an amalgamation of both medical and surgical aspects. The procedures of Cosmetology improve the external appearance of the skin by treating various conditions like hyperpigmentation, acne, scars and wrinkles. Liposuction is for surgeons only.
A Cosmetic Treatment may work at cosmetology clinics, they address patient desires, performing services such as:
- Correcting skin tone
- Smoothing wrinkles
- Removing hair on the face or body
- Reducing surface fat
- Tightening skin
- Removing tattoos
- Treating cellulite
- Treating acne and acne scars
Exfoliating Treatments
There are multiple ways to remove dead skin cells, which can otherwise build up on the surface of the skin and cause problems:
- Physical exfoliation involves applying an abrasive substance to the face that scrapes away dead surface cells.
- Microdermabrasion uses tiny crystals that are sprayed on the skin to reach the middle layer of the skin.
- Chemical Peels use chemical, usually acidic, substances to exfoliate the skin and come in a variety of strengths.
- Laser skin treatment exfoliates the skin with light energy and also works to stimulate collagen production.
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Therapy
Light beams of different, filtered wavelengths are applied to the skin to stimulate collagen production. IPL is recommended for the management of sunspots, small vascular spiders, small moles, wrinkles, and expression lines.
Laser Hair Removal
This procedure uses a concentrated laser to damage hair follicles, inhibiting or delaying future hair growth. Laser hair removal delays hair regrowth for a long period of time, but it does not result in permanent hair removal.
Tattoo Removal
Most dermatologists now remove tattoos using lasers that can get rid of tattoos more efficiently and safely than earlier methods.
Non-Invasive Fat Removal
This procedure is intended to treat stubborn pockets of fat that diet and exercise can’t reduce on their own. The dermatologist will use cold, heat, ultrasound waves, or injections in order to kill targeted fat cells, permanently removing them.