Hair Restoration surgery Also known as Hair transplant surgery, Hair Restoration surgery is a surgical technique performed to restore hair on the balding part of the patient. During the surgery, the doctors move the hair follicles from the ‘donor site’ and transfer them to the ‘recipient site’ or the bald area. The hair follicles are usually taken from the areas that are generally not vulnerable to balding such as the back of the head.

Also known as Vampire Facial or Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) .
- ollicular Unit Transplantation (FUT): In FUT, a strip of the scalp is removed and then dissected into individual grafts.
- Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): The other method, FUE involves taking the individual follicles by using specialized tools. However, the surgery procedure remains the same.
IN FUT method of Hair Transplantation, a strip of scalp is cut from the back of the head and is then dissected into individual grafts or follicles.
In Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method of hair transplantation, the individual follicular units/grafts are removed directly from the back of the head one by one with the help of a tiny specialized machine. The process is tedious and takes a few hours but should be painless after a few numbing injections are given.
Advantages of FUE:
As this method of Hair transplantation does not involve taking an entire length of the strip of scalp from the back of the head like in strip surgery, there are no cuts or stitches; The recovery time is much quicker with the patient often returning to work from the next day itself. There is no linear scar The procedure is suitable for people that want to wear their hair shorter so that the scar is not seenLends itself to body hair transplantation, smaller areas transplantation.