Different groups and individual researchers have described anti-aging in different and unique way that has given anti-aging a number of different common meanings and connotations. In scientific terms, anti-aging is defined as to slowing, preventing, or reversing the aging process in the human body. Though, so far, there is not any proven and available medical technology that slows or reverses aging in humans. For some particular communities, anti-aging is a myth. According to them, Ageing is a natural process that cannot be prevented in any way.
Most Common Anti-Aging Treatments
4. Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing:
For this treatment, your doctor uses a special laser to treat narrow columns of skin. The laser damages deep layers of skin, which stimulates new skin cell growth. The damaged areas peel away and reveal smoother, younger-looking skin. Fractional laser skin resurfacing can help treat wrinkles and fine lines. Although your skin will not likely need time to heal after fractional laser skin resurfacing, you may have some redness, pain, peeling, or scabbing. You may need several treatments over a few weeks to get the results you want.